Changi Point Coastal Walk


When we think of Changi, two things usually come to mind – the airport and the famous Nasi Lemak at Changi village hawker centre.

But did you know that there’s also an amazingly scenic trekking route right behind the hawker centre?Changi-boardwalk-hike-2

 Changi Point Coastal Walk is a relatively easy 2km hike along the shoreline.

The trek is divided into 6 sections with their distinct landmarks.Changi-boardwalk-hike-3

Let's go burn some calories!Changi-boardwalk-hike-4

First up is Creek Walk!

This is where the Changi Ferry Terminal is. People would hop on one of these bumboats to get to
Pulau Ubin for more activities like wild fishing and mountain biking.

You might need to take a second look here because it’s a little camouflaged but right in the middle is a hornbill!

Spotted this guy up in the trees because of the distinct sound it was making. Don’t see these often!Changi-boardwalk-hike-6

Stopped in the shade for a while to get a close look at what’s blooming.

Continuing on!Changi-boardwalk-hike-8

The route opened up nicely to the sea!Changi-boardwalk-hike-9

Check out just how low the planes are flying here. That’s because the airport was pretty much just next door!Changi-boardwalk-hike-10

This next section is called Beach Walk. The afternoon sun here can be unforgiving. Remember to bring along a pair of sunglasses to protect your eyes.Changi-boardwalk-hike-11

By now, I’d been walking for about 45 mins under the sun and my feet were still cool and nicely ventilated!Changi-boardwalk-hike-12

Life always finds a way.Changi-boardwalk-hike-13

Are those boats in the distance?Changi-boardwalk-hike-14

We've come to Sailing Point Walk!Changi-boardwalk-hike-15Changi-boardwalk-hike-16

Fancy taking a spin on a sailboat? Changi Sailing Club has you covered!Changi-boardwalk-hike-17

 Lots of boats waiting for their owners to take them out to sea!

Continuing on my trail, I spotted a honey bee! I wondered how far it had travelled and where its hive was.Changi-boardwalk-hike-18

How did this giant boulder get here? Seemed quite out of place.Changi-boardwalk-hike-19

Up a flight of stairs onto the next area – Cliff Walk! I was sweating buckets by this point. Time to get back in the shade!Changi-boardwalk-hike-20

This section was very well shaded because of all the trees lined on both sides of the path.

This boardwalk was actually carved into the side of a cliff above the sea. Hence, Cliff Walk!Changi-boardwalk-hike-21

It wasn’t long before I reached the next intersection.

I guessed all these bikes were left here by people who realised that it wasn’t feasible to
ride them through the trek because of all the stairs and narrow pathways.

Back into the sun! This portion of the hike is called Kelong Walk because the boardwalk was built on stilts
and stretched out into the sea like kelongs of the olden days.

In the middle of the kelong boardwalk is the Changi Beach Club. It was previously the British Airforce Officers’ Club before the British left Singapore.Changi-boardwalk-hike-24

You’ll see lots of fishing rods and crab traps tied to the railings.Changi-boardwalk-hike-25

Further along would be Sunset Walk, the final section of the coastal trek.Changi-boardwalk-hike-26 

That’s all for now!

Pick a good day with clear skies and head down to Changi Village hawker centre and
order a sinful plate of Nasi Lemak before burning it off with a scenic coastal trek! :)

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